Friday, January 29, 2010
USA Lohana Samaj News by Ashok Hindocha M-9426201999 M-9426201999
New Year Party 2010 Date:
Saturday February 6th, 2010
Royal Alberts Palace (Ball Room)
1050 King Georges Post Road
Fords, NJ 08863
Directions Time:
6.00pm Onwards
$25.00 Adults
$15.00 Children (Age 5 - 12)
$600.00 VIP Table Activities:
Live music by HEMI music group
Open Dance Floor
Open Bar (7pm - 9pm)
Gala Buffet Dinner
Any questions regarding the event or sponsorship call:
Jaydeep Manek - (732) 318 2473
Abhijeet Jatania - (973) 222 2095
Ashok Hindocha M-9426201999
Thursday, January 28, 2010
President Barack Obama"s E Mail Massage to Ashok Hindocha-Rajkot
President Barack Obama hide details 11:10 am (5 hours ago)
to Ashok Hindocha
date Jan 28, 2010 11:10 AM
subject We don't quit
Ashok --
I just finished delivering my first State of the Union, and I wanted to send you a quick note.
We face big and difficult challenges. Change on the scale we seek does not come easily. But I will never accept second place for the United States of America.
That is why I called for a robust jobs bill without delay. It's why I proposed a small businesses tax credit, new investments in infrastructure, and pushed for climate legislation to create a clean energy economy.
It's why we're taking on big banks, reforming Wall Street, revitalizing our education system, increasing transparency -- and finishing the job on health insurance reform.
It's why I need your help -- because I am determined to fight to defend the middle class, and special interest lobbyists will go all out to fight us.
Help me show that the American people are ready to join this fight for the middle class -- add your name to a letter to Congress today:
We have finished a difficult year. We have come through a difficult decade. But we don't quit. I don't quit.
Let's seize this moment -- to start anew, to carry the dream forward, and to strengthen our union once more.
President Barack Obama
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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to Ashok Hindocha
date Jan 28, 2010 11:10 AM
subject We don't quit
Ashok --
I just finished delivering my first State of the Union, and I wanted to send you a quick note.
We face big and difficult challenges. Change on the scale we seek does not come easily. But I will never accept second place for the United States of America.
That is why I called for a robust jobs bill without delay. It's why I proposed a small businesses tax credit, new investments in infrastructure, and pushed for climate legislation to create a clean energy economy.
It's why we're taking on big banks, reforming Wall Street, revitalizing our education system, increasing transparency -- and finishing the job on health insurance reform.
It's why I need your help -- because I am determined to fight to defend the middle class, and special interest lobbyists will go all out to fight us.
Help me show that the American people are ready to join this fight for the middle class -- add your name to a letter to Congress today:
We have finished a difficult year. We have come through a difficult decade. But we don't quit. I don't quit.
Let's seize this moment -- to start anew, to carry the dream forward, and to strengthen our union once more.
President Barack Obama
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Horse Ride show at Race Course Rajkot Vedio News
ntr’of rlbkºtK
‘‘mwvh yuEx rÄfux xwltobuLx-2010¥¥
vhb yt’hKeg ©e,
>> sg hDwJeh - sg sjthtb - sg dwY’uJ - sgmegthtb >>
ytv mti òKtu Atu fu hDwJkNe mbts btxu Wåa yt’Ntuole CtJlt ’tFJe AuÕjt 54 J»to:e m;; ftgo
fh;e yt mkM:t îtht ylufrJ" ftgof{btulwk ytgtusl fhJtbtk ytJu Au. ‘‘¿ttr; yu mbts ylu ht»x[lwk ykd Au¥¥, ht»x[eg
"z;hlt rlbtoK ykdu ht»x[eg «Jtn mt:u atjJt ;:t ‘‘¿ttr; ck"wðJ¥¥, ‘‘Fuj’eje¥¥ ;:t ‘‘rNM;-muJt-mnfth¥¥ suJt
dwKtult rJftm y:uo ©e jtuntKt gwJf «dr; bkz¤-htsftux îtht ‘‘mwvh yuRx rf{fux xwltobuLx-2010¥¥ lkw rJNt¤
ytgtusl fhJtbtk ytJuj Au. subtk WvrM:; hnuJt ytvlu n»toCuh ytbkºtK vtXJeyu Aeyu. ytvle ntshe mJuolu «uhKt’tge
cle hnu ;uJe NwC ytftkûtt mn...
mwvh yuEx rÄfux xwltobuLx-2010
:: kde ::
b`p¡f¡ 12-00 L$gpL¡$
&& ;theF &&
24-1-2010 hrJJthu
mbthkC yægût©e
bw.©e sgkr;CtE fwkzjegt
(«bwF©e- jtuntKt bnt vrh»t’, «bwF©e -mtiht»x[-fåA jtuntKt bntsl VuzhuNl
yøt{d½g’t;t©e, fLgt fu¤JKefth ;:t «bwF©e-htsftux jtuntKt bntsl)
hDwJkN fu ;el rJ©tb, ©ehtb, sNhts, sjthtb
q¾L¡$¡$V$ Vy$y$_pd®d¡Þ¡ÞV$ A„s„sNs ®sdpd M¡g¡gpX$uAp¡ s\p Apd„q„qÓsp¡ dpV¡$¡$ b`p¡f¡ cp¡S¡S>_ ìehõ\p fpM¡g¡g R>¡.¡.
&& M:¤ &&
f¡kLp¡j® A¡Õg¡Vu¼k N°pDÞX, fpS>Lp¡V$.
yNtufCtE rnLztuat - CwvuL÷CtE ftuxf
M.94262-01999 - M.98248-45207
blmwFCtE ftuxuat
RLx. ytuzexh
«ftNCtE X¬h
mksgCtE f¬z
ztp. rl;elCtE htzegt
gtuduNCtE smtKe
rn;uNCtE vtuvx
«tusufx ftu-ytuzeoluxh
©e vhuNCtE ;Llt
fLJelh & hb;-db; mrbr;
©e jtuntKt gwJf «dr; bkz¤ - htsftux.
yr;r: rJNu»t©eytu
ztp. ©e n»to’CtE FÏFh
(btl’bkºte©e - jtuntKt bnt vrh»t’)
(btl’bkºte©e - jtuntKt bntsl-htsftux.)
îu fpS>L$p¡V¡V$ gp¡l¡lpZp dlpS>_ lp¡v¡v¡$¡$v$pfîuAp¡
©e CdJtlSCtE l:JtKe Wv-«bwF©e
©e JeKtcul vtk"e Wv-«bwF©e
©e CtudeCtE fumhegt fthtucthe «bwF©e
ztp. ©e Je.yum.ak’thtKt fthtucthe Wv«bwF©e
©ebr; ft~behtcul l:JtKe btl’bkºte©e
©e yNtufCtE fwkzjegt Fòlae©e
©e CwvuL÷CtE FÏFh RLxhlj ytuzexh©e
bwÏg yr;r:©eytu
îudqs du_pnub¡_ Æs¡ÞÖcpB v$rnZu
(îu _d®v$pb¡_ âcyv$pk v$rnZu d¡dp¡fueg V$²õV$-fpS>L$p¡V$)
îu ÆçducpB Æs¡Þ¡ÞÖcpB v$rnZu
(ve. «Cw’tm yuLz ftwk.)
(V$²õV$uîu : îu _d®v$pb¡_ âcyv$pk v$rnZu d¡dp¡fueg V$²õV$-fpS>L$p¡V$)
îu kyfyf¡i¡icpB v$rnZu
(V$²õV$uîu : îu _d®v$pb¡_ âcyv$pk v$rnZu d¡dp¡fueg V$²õV$-fpS>L$p¡V$)
îu cfscpB bp¡f¡fuep
(V$²õV$uîu : îu _d®v$pb¡_ âcyv$pk v$rnZu d¡dp¡fueg V$²õV$-fpS>L$p¡V$)
kh£_£_p k„`„`|Z|Z® Apr\L®L$ klep¡N¡N\u
‘‘nh vj cZu ytdu f’b, fh ;wk yuJe mt"lt ytftNlu ytkce sJtg fh ;wk yuJe gtuslt¥¥
rNM; muJt mnfth
©e jtuntKt gwJf «dr; bkz¤_htsftux
M:tvlt ;t. 11-11-1955 x[Mx yu-174 yur«j 1962
ftgtojg & ©e jtuntKt bntsl Jtze, mtkdKJt atuf, htsftux-360001 Vtul & 2234714
ftgtojg mbg &
mtksu 6-30 :e 9-30
E-mail ID :
‘‘mwvh yuEx rÄfux xwltobuLx-2010¥¥
vhb yt’hKeg ©e,
>> sg hDwJeh - sg sjthtb - sg dwY’uJ - sgmegthtb >>
ytv mti òKtu Atu fu hDwJkNe mbts btxu Wåa yt’Ntuole CtJlt ’tFJe AuÕjt 54 J»to:e m;; ftgo
fh;e yt mkM:t îtht ylufrJ" ftgof{btulwk ytgtusl fhJtbtk ytJu Au. ‘‘¿ttr; yu mbts ylu ht»x[lwk ykd Au¥¥, ht»x[eg
"z;hlt rlbtoK ykdu ht»x[eg «Jtn mt:u atjJt ;:t ‘‘¿ttr; ck"wðJ¥¥, ‘‘Fuj’eje¥¥ ;:t ‘‘rNM;-muJt-mnfth¥¥ suJt
dwKtult rJftm y:uo ©e jtuntKt gwJf «dr; bkz¤-htsftux îtht ‘‘mwvh yuRx rf{fux xwltobuLx-2010¥¥ lkw rJNt¤
ytgtusl fhJtbtk ytJuj Au. subtk WvrM:; hnuJt ytvlu n»toCuh ytbkºtK vtXJeyu Aeyu. ytvle ntshe mJuolu «uhKt’tge
cle hnu ;uJe NwC ytftkûtt mn...
mwvh yuEx rÄfux xwltobuLx-2010
:: kde ::
b`p¡f¡ 12-00 L$gpL¡$
&& ;theF &&
24-1-2010 hrJJthu
mbthkC yægût©e
bw.©e sgkr;CtE fwkzjegt
(«bwF©e- jtuntKt bnt vrh»t’, «bwF©e -mtiht»x[-fåA jtuntKt bntsl VuzhuNl
yøt{d½g’t;t©e, fLgt fu¤JKefth ;:t «bwF©e-htsftux jtuntKt bntsl)
hDwJkN fu ;el rJ©tb, ©ehtb, sNhts, sjthtb
q¾L¡$¡$V$ Vy$y$_pd®d¡Þ¡ÞV$ A„s„sNs ®sdpd M¡g¡gpX$uAp¡ s\p Apd„q„qÓsp¡ dpV¡$¡$ b`p¡f¡ cp¡S¡S>_ ìehõ\p fpM¡g¡g R>¡.¡.
&& M:¤ &&
f¡kLp¡j® A¡Õg¡Vu¼k N°pDÞX, fpS>Lp¡V$.
yNtufCtE rnLztuat - CwvuL÷CtE ftuxf
M.94262-01999 - M.98248-45207
blmwFCtE ftuxuat
RLx. ytuzexh
«ftNCtE X¬h
mksgCtE f¬z
ztp. rl;elCtE htzegt
gtuduNCtE smtKe
rn;uNCtE vtuvx
«tusufx ftu-ytuzeoluxh
©e vhuNCtE ;Llt
fLJelh & hb;-db; mrbr;
©e jtuntKt gwJf «dr; bkz¤ - htsftux.
yr;r: rJNu»t©eytu
ztp. ©e n»to’CtE FÏFh
(btl’bkºte©e - jtuntKt bnt vrh»t’)
(btl’bkºte©e - jtuntKt bntsl-htsftux.)
îu fpS>L$p¡V¡V$ gp¡l¡lpZp dlpS>_ lp¡v¡v¡$¡$v$pfîuAp¡
©e CdJtlSCtE l:JtKe Wv-«bwF©e
©e JeKtcul vtk"e Wv-«bwF©e
©e CtudeCtE fumhegt fthtucthe «bwF©e
ztp. ©e Je.yum.ak’thtKt fthtucthe Wv«bwF©e
©ebr; ft~behtcul l:JtKe btl’bkºte©e
©e yNtufCtE fwkzjegt Fòlae©e
©e CwvuL÷CtE FÏFh RLxhlj ytuzexh©e
bwÏg yr;r:©eytu
îudqs du_pnub¡_ Æs¡ÞÖcpB v$rnZu
(îu _d®v$pb¡_ âcyv$pk v$rnZu d¡dp¡fueg V$²õV$-fpS>L$p¡V$)
îu ÆçducpB Æs¡Þ¡ÞÖcpB v$rnZu
(ve. «Cw’tm yuLz ftwk.)
(V$²õV$uîu : îu _d®v$pb¡_ âcyv$pk v$rnZu d¡dp¡fueg V$²õV$-fpS>L$p¡V$)
îu kyfyf¡i¡icpB v$rnZu
(V$²õV$uîu : îu _d®v$pb¡_ âcyv$pk v$rnZu d¡dp¡fueg V$²õV$-fpS>L$p¡V$)
îu cfscpB bp¡f¡fuep
(V$²õV$uîu : îu _d®v$pb¡_ âcyv$pk v$rnZu d¡dp¡fueg V$²õV$-fpS>L$p¡V$)
kh£_£_p k„`„`|Z|Z® Apr\L®L$ klep¡N¡N\u
‘‘nh vj cZu ytdu f’b, fh ;wk yuJe mt"lt ytftNlu ytkce sJtg fh ;wk yuJe gtuslt¥¥
rNM; muJt mnfth
©e jtuntKt gwJf «dr; bkz¤_htsftux
M:tvlt ;t. 11-11-1955 x[Mx yu-174 yur«j 1962
ftgtojg & ©e jtuntKt bntsl Jtze, mtkdKJt atuf, htsftux-360001 Vtul & 2234714
ftgtojg mbg &
mtksu 6-30 :e 9-30
E-mail ID :
Friday, January 8, 2010
Amitabhbacchanji Wel Come to Gujart-we heartly welcomes to your kind hounor-our heartly congratulations -Its a big Credit to Gujarat M-9426201999
DAY 626 M-9426201999
Amitabh Bachchan
ActorWe now have tax exemption on PAA from several States - West Bengal, Gujarat through confirmed letters and Delhi and Maharashtra on the anvil with applications made and awaiting results. Karnataka too has been applied for. The appreciation for the film still keeps pouring in and many that have only just seen it send in complimentary messages and of how they were able to just sneak in to the theatre after getting the last 3 tickets available for the show !! I saw it for the 5th time last night at Ahmedabad and still even though it is my film, could not help but marvel how the film still endears itself to the viewer. Heart and soul have no substitute. It is either there or not. Paa has that unique quality of both heart and soul and its credit must must go to Balki, for the intelligence with which he put the whole film together.
Tomorrow the Apsara awards and day after the Screen. Teen Patti designs a stage show at one of them as a promotion activity. I go down to the venue to rehearse. I do my bit and move away and sit and ponder what this whole new world of events has become. Hundreds of people now make a very comfortable livelihood from this act that had looked singular and most ineffective in the years that have gone by. Now there are companies handling set designs, choreographers that lighten up the moves for the performances that take place, lighting, sound, camera and TV producers, assistants that shall run and manage the show, security personnel in their impressive uniforms and walkie talkies and electronic communication devices … it is an institution by itself. And all of it to reward excellence in such a manner that it makes a good and profitable TV show. Whether it be the Oscars or any other ‘cars, it is a given that TV shall be the guiding force that shall dictate its presence. Television has become bigger than film and all other form of entertainment. Every aspect of it is there in our faces 24/7. Satellite and terrestrial connection has become now the connector of life virtually. Information and entertainment are but the two most important aspects of our modern existence. remove them and life would come to an uncomfortable standstill. And they are every where now. In your home, on the streets, in your car, at the airports, in the plane, on your mobile …
Where next ??
Sanjay Bangar, Indian cricket cap, prominent representative of the national team, walking past Jalsa with his family incognito sends in a message to take some keep sake photographs. I go out and meet him and oblige. I am surprised at the fact that he moves around without notice. He played for India, he contributed in our victories in the game and today .. not there. I ask him the score on the tri series being played in Bangladesh and on the India- Bangladesh match on right now in a day night schedule, where we were fairing not too well and he replies that he is not aware of anything .. who where why how .. nothing.
Lives of sportsmen are limited and sad. They contribute and then when they are no longer productive, discarded and forgotten. Vinod Kambli during Bigg Boss and during private discussions had similar emotions. An injury, an unfortunate bad day on the field and you are out. Left to the wolves virtually. There is no support from any quarter. I read many dismayed comments from columnists that review our cricket team and read their anguish at the poor performances of the players being affected by the finances that seem to have overtaken all else in their lives. And I wonder. Their lives are so limited. Age and health take over and suddenly you are not in contention. Peak periods never last for some years in a life that has many decades to cross. So if they do make hay while the sun shines is it a crime ?? Would we not all want to secure our futures if and when we have an opportunity. A debate would give excellent views. Anyone …??
The children return tomorrow and that innocent laughter and inquisitive questioning shall have to wait till their next arrival. And my arrival next shall be in the morrow too ..
Sleep well my dears ..
Amitabh Bachchan
Write your comment now
DAY 626 M-9426201999
Amitabh Bachchan
ActorWe now have tax exemption on PAA from several States - West Bengal, Gujarat through confirmed letters and Delhi and Maharashtra on the anvil with applications made and awaiting results. Karnataka too has been applied for. The appreciation for the film still keeps pouring in and many that have only just seen it send in complimentary messages and of how they were able to just sneak in to the theatre after getting the last 3 tickets available for the show !! I saw it for the 5th time last night at Ahmedabad and still even though it is my film, could not help but marvel how the film still endears itself to the viewer. Heart and soul have no substitute. It is either there or not. Paa has that unique quality of both heart and soul and its credit must must go to Balki, for the intelligence with which he put the whole film together.
Tomorrow the Apsara awards and day after the Screen. Teen Patti designs a stage show at one of them as a promotion activity. I go down to the venue to rehearse. I do my bit and move away and sit and ponder what this whole new world of events has become. Hundreds of people now make a very comfortable livelihood from this act that had looked singular and most ineffective in the years that have gone by. Now there are companies handling set designs, choreographers that lighten up the moves for the performances that take place, lighting, sound, camera and TV producers, assistants that shall run and manage the show, security personnel in their impressive uniforms and walkie talkies and electronic communication devices … it is an institution by itself. And all of it to reward excellence in such a manner that it makes a good and profitable TV show. Whether it be the Oscars or any other ‘cars, it is a given that TV shall be the guiding force that shall dictate its presence. Television has become bigger than film and all other form of entertainment. Every aspect of it is there in our faces 24/7. Satellite and terrestrial connection has become now the connector of life virtually. Information and entertainment are but the two most important aspects of our modern existence. remove them and life would come to an uncomfortable standstill. And they are every where now. In your home, on the streets, in your car, at the airports, in the plane, on your mobile …
Where next ??
Sanjay Bangar, Indian cricket cap, prominent representative of the national team, walking past Jalsa with his family incognito sends in a message to take some keep sake photographs. I go out and meet him and oblige. I am surprised at the fact that he moves around without notice. He played for India, he contributed in our victories in the game and today .. not there. I ask him the score on the tri series being played in Bangladesh and on the India- Bangladesh match on right now in a day night schedule, where we were fairing not too well and he replies that he is not aware of anything .. who where why how .. nothing.
Lives of sportsmen are limited and sad. They contribute and then when they are no longer productive, discarded and forgotten. Vinod Kambli during Bigg Boss and during private discussions had similar emotions. An injury, an unfortunate bad day on the field and you are out. Left to the wolves virtually. There is no support from any quarter. I read many dismayed comments from columnists that review our cricket team and read their anguish at the poor performances of the players being affected by the finances that seem to have overtaken all else in their lives. And I wonder. Their lives are so limited. Age and health take over and suddenly you are not in contention. Peak periods never last for some years in a life that has many decades to cross. So if they do make hay while the sun shines is it a crime ?? Would we not all want to secure our futures if and when we have an opportunity. A debate would give excellent views. Anyone …??
The children return tomorrow and that innocent laughter and inquisitive questioning shall have to wait till their next arrival. And my arrival next shall be in the morrow too ..
Sleep well my dears ..
Amitabh Bachchan
Write your comment now
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